Comfort Radio 95.1 FM is a private radio station in Akwa Ibom State, South-South Nigeria. It is owned, promoted and operated by True-Sense Nigeria Limited.
True –Sense Nigeria Ltd. was awarded broadcast license by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) in April, 2015. The License permits the company to own and operate a radio station for the purpose of Broadcasting on the Frequency Modulation waved band. It was consequently assigned the Frequency Channel of 95.1 MHZ. This done, and following the approval by NBC, COMFORT RADIO 95.1 FM came into being.
Comfort Radion 95.1 FM provides entertainment, unbiased, balanced, interactive, informative and educative programmes to listeners.
The station’s signals cover all the thirty-one Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State.
Listenership is above Six million people. Comfort FM broadcasts 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Besides the usual terrestrial broadcasting, Comfort Radio 95.1 FM is also online twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week via our application which can be accessed by login into Google play store and typing Comfort951 FM.
The Station is defined by polished language, dignified carriage and integrity. It also exudes compassion, burning intellects and creative aura.
To be the most valued, versatile. Vital and vibrant Radio Service in a comfortable environment.
To make a marked difference in Radio Broadcasting